Jun 24, 2011

Dead Zone

It's been a little while since I posted, mostly because not much post worthy has been going on.  I've been really busy with work trying to get a few projects out the door.  I also took a 5 day weekend and went on a short trip down to southern Sweden. 

Mostly been trying to figure out how to make more money so that I can get a project car to work on or get my Opel GT shipped over here.  To ship it is going to cost about $1000 plus customs charges but it has to be in running condition and that will likey cost me another $1000 or so. :(  Then once I get it here I'll need a secure place to park it, preferably indoors.  However if I can find a project car to work on that doesn't have the same sort of sentimental value that the Opel GT has I won't need a secure parking area other than the parking lot where I live.

In the mean time while I try to drum up more cash I've been drooling over my friend Brian's new project car, an S13 Sylvia.  Check it out over on his blog here: http://pandapirates.blogspot.com/


  1. Thanks man haha and goodluck picking up a car!

  2. The problem is there's not much interesting here in Sweden vehicle wise. So I'm thinking that I'll likely import something from Japan through Andy at Powervehicles.com. Total price for shipping alone from Japan is still just over $1000 so it doesn't add that much to the overall price and I can likely get something cheaper there.
